Sunday, April 3, 2011

# 18 - No Facebook For A Week!

Dear Readers,

The last week has been a busy one.  I wasn't sure how or if I could execute #18 Live Without Facebook For A Week on my list of 100 Things To Do In One Year however the ease at which I did was, in retrospect really bloody easy!  To put it in perspective I wasn't required to do anything for this one.  In fact I was required to not do something and as any person with tendencies to want to be as efficient as possible or do as little as possible knows, not doing stuff is pretty straight forward.

Between the 27th of March and the 3rd of April - exactly one week - I did not log onto Facebook and it really wasn't a big deal.

Birthdays, invites to events both near and far and notifications such as "Betty joined the group 'I flip my pillow to get to the cold side'" passed me by for an entire week.  I even had to ignore a couple of emails.  

My perception of this one in my 100 Things To Do List was that I would forget that I'm not Facebooking this week, log in then remember I wasn't supposed to be in Facebook, curse, reprimand myself then have to start again next week.  Similar to how one might resolve to start eating healthier on a Monday then find half a choc chip muffin in their mouth on Tuesday before remembering Monday's resolution thus resulting in revised start date of the following Monday for the eat healthier resolution.  I barely even thought about Facebook.  

Note that I am NOT a Facebook fanatic.  My typical Facebook behaviour would see me log in a couple of times a day probably for a total of ten minutes.  Occasionally, say once a week I might log in for between thirty minute and one hour.  I don't do games, I do read a few people's statuses, comments, look at a few photos, events I've been invited to and read and respond to any emails.  A quick Google search on 'how many hours do you spend on Facebook' revealed a link to Yahoo answers with 8 out of ten responses saying 5-10 minutes, one response: 30 minutes/day, another 3-5 hours per day.  It seems that 5-10 minutes is the norm.  Either that or we're spending, rather wasting more time on Facebook than we'd care to admit.

Whatever the case is I made it through one week of no Facebook and I liked it.  In fact I might spend less time on there in the future instead maybe developing social networks through actual socialising... right after I respond to the two emails in my Facebook inbox.


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