Friday, June 3, 2011

#13 - Get A Prison Pal In The USA

Long ago I became aware of incarcerated folk wanting people on the outside to communicate with. After recently rekindling my love of the written letter and thinking how gratifying it might be to exchange thoughts, ideas, stories about the world, between two people with different backgrounds, I reasoned that as far as hobbies go, this has got to be more interesting than say the art of philately.  

A google search of 'prison penpals' produced a curious list of websites.  One such website's opening words read: 'Lonely, attractive inmates seek attractive men and women for companionship'.  Woah up there website... I'm not looking for a husband here.  Although some may argue in the affirmative the convenience of knowing exactly where their spouse is at all times, a more orthodox approach to courtship might prove less worrisome.  Another website promised: 'You can meet that special person that will have the same interests as you.'  Oh really, like what?  A love for the great outdoors?  Weekends away?  Watching re-runs of Cop Shop and Prisoner? 

Hopes were fading, and dashes were almost done until I encountered , a website that promotes itself as 'an organisation to help prison pen pals...find friendship and moral support outside of prison walls.'  Sounds reasonably just and noble even if the judicial system that keeps criminals locked up is not entirely so.  

This particular website has photos of the prisoners looking for pen pals and no they're not mug shots.  Some are obviously taken from within the prison, donning their prison garb.  Other pictures must be from their life prior.  As well as the picture, the website gives the prisoner's name - why is there always one called Jesse James? - and a paragraph or two that the inmate has written about themselves.  After perusing a few, I spot a photo of a young woman holding a teddy bear in front of a Christmas tree.  She has a warm and welcoming smile.  I read on to learn the young woman in question is serving time for the first time and, adamantly so, her last time.  I will omit her name however I can tell you she is 29, African American and...

'...truly learning from this experience. I am spending my time in positive ways by attending church, taking college classes and preparing myself for home.

What I am looking for is intelligent conversation about positive things that will assist me in rising above all of the negativity in the world.

What do you like to do with your free time? How are you making a difference in your community? Do you spend time alone or with your family? What is your passion in life? Are you up for trying new things? What can you bring to the table to establish a friendship? If you have answers to these questions, then I will have answers for yours.'

Bingo!  A reasonably intelligent sounding young lady spending her time wisely by learning valuable life lessons and getting an education.  Reminds me of a conversation I once had with a colleague.  Do you know you can get a degree free-of-charge in Australian gaols?  Free board, meals and lodging?  No mortgage, no job, no bills.  There's always a silver lining, however armed robbery is not for me.

The letter has been penned and signed, the envelope stamped and sealed and was sent on its way to the USA a week-and-a-bit ago.  I answered all of my new pen pal's questions and hopefully provided at least a little bit of intellectual stimulation.  My new friend requested conversation about positive things.  Sure, I can do that... apart from all the whinging I mean.  Letters have an advantage over spoken communication in that one can always go back and edit what one has written.  Not so easy in conversation when foot is planted securely in mouth.

Three pages later and topics such as religion, family, childhood, work, music, baking and weekend plans have all been covered, providing requested answers to questions above.  I even included a map of Australia indicating Brisbane's location and a photo of myself with the caption "I'm white... please don't hold it against me :) " Let's hope the humour is shared.

So now I wait in hope that my new pen pal has received my communique safe and sound and doesn't think I'm too much of a weirdo.  I am and always will be, interested in hearing all about another person's life experience.  Everyone has something interesting to say, something to offer and everything is worth learning about.

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