Friday, April 22, 2011

#63 - Read One Book Per Month (April)

The book for April, Things Bogans Like was gifted to me - thanks Tara - I suspect due to my propensity to observe and discuss the behaviour of the modern bogan, as is my want.  I seem to have spent a significant amount of time in the recent past attempting to define and explain the bogan to some of our newest Australians (friends, colleagues, new immigrants).  It is only when I  genuinely considered the question "what is a bogan??" that I realised some research was necessary.

Enter , a traditional look at the traditional bogan, think VB, mullets, flannelette, Holden / Ford debates, girls named Shazza and Shelly and guys called Simmo, Thommo, Johnno, Macka and Mud Guts.  But the modern bogan has evolved.  There's a new generation of bogue in town.

Profile of a modern bogan.  Here's a quick synopsis of some of the distinct and defining features, tendencies, habits, preferences, consumerables, habitats and behavioural tendencies of the modern bogan:
  • Reality TV
  • P!nk
  • Zoo Weekly
  • Perspective-based photos at famous landmarks (search Google images "leaning Tower of Pisa")
  • Reading books but only after the movie comes out
  • Andre Rieu
  • Today Tonight
  • A Current Affair
  • Two and a Half Men
  • Chrisco hampers
  • SMS-speak
  • Tiffany & Co.
  • Manly diet cola
  • Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
  • Meat Lovers' Pizza
  • Functional (vitamin) water
  • ADHD
  • Wii Fit
  • Prefacing racist statements with 'I'm not racist but...'
  • Contiki Tours
  • 'Fuck off, we're full' stickers
  • Ruining music festivals
  • Cover bands
  • Commercial radio
  • Homophobia
  • Schadenfreude
  • Paintball
  • Tramp stamps
  • Tribal tattoos
  • Sexpo
  • Underbelly
  • Buddhist iconography as hume furnishings
  • Pandora bracelets
  • Vampires.  Novels about Vampires.
  • Ill-informed analysis of the Qur'an
  • Twenty/twenty cricket
  • Personalised numberplates
  • Road rage
  • Party buses
 Taken directly from the back of the book, "...Australia is contending with a different beast from the Paul Hogan bogan.  This is a bogan with money.  A bogan with aspirations.  A bogan wth Ed Hardy t-shirts.  The new bogan will not rest until it owns a plasma TV so large that Two and a Half Men gets rounded up to three."

What I find ironic is although the book is satirical in nature it is indeed a perfect observation of the modern bogan.  So much so that it's downright disturbing.  Notably the inclination of the average bogan to watch 'A Current Affair' transfixed oblivious to the dribble palmed off as journalism, the rise in popularity of the sexist, misogynist, appalling behaviour displayed on 'Two and a Half Men' and the demise of communic8ion AGKWE thru SMS-speak.  Dude WTF?? 

The race debate will always be alive and well in Australia due in part to our history, our (poor) relationship with our Indigenous population and Australia's on-going reliance on immigration to fulfill a skills and population shortage.

The 'f**k off, we're full' mentality, the uninformed analysis of the Qu'ran based purely on what's manipulated and often inaccurately presented through mainstream media and prefacing racist statements with "I'm not racist but...." fall short of nothing but sheer embarrassment.  Such behaviour is downright unacceptabe and dare I say, "Un-Australian" by definition.


Jonathon James Clarke said...

Well, I'm not a racist but.....I thought that your post was racist against Bogans..... lol ;-)


Sounds like a very interesting book - I should get myself a copy. To me the author seems to lump everything popular and mainstream about modern Australia as "bogan". Playboy magazine had a term for these sort of people back in the mid 80's, known as "Ex-Avantes" (or extroverted avante-gardes). They were essentially people who thought that anything that they originally liked and has been accepted by mainstream consciousness is now passe and vulgar.
As to racism: well, there are two sides to the story on that. Admittedly, most of Australia is not habitable for many people to live in. The problem is that some of them do not want to assimilate into our culture and adapt, and want to enforce their own philosophy of life onto ours (e.g. the fundamentalist Muslims who insist that women cover their faces at all times in public - even if having their ID photo taken). And racism, sexism and misogyny also exists within some of our racial minority cultures such as the Aboriginal taboo against white women playing the didgeridu. If the white people are told to exercise tolerance for how other races live, how about they extend the same open-mindedness and tolerance towards us? It can't be a one-sided thing.

Biodegradable Woman said...

Your opinions echo throughout Australia Fatpizzaman, judged on what I see / hear / read. Religions, cultral customs and traditions both from here and abroad can sometimes be difficult for many to understand. Biodegradable Woman doesn't claim to have the answers but I do recognise that racism is a complex issue with many factors to consider. Thank you for your comment!